Css Star Rating

1.3 #permalink Themes

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Different themes for the star rating component. Easy to use as single modifier. Some themes expect a special background to look good. For demo-purpos the theme-[name]-gb classes are created.

.theme-rolling-stars - animate stars .theme-kununu - kununu theme .theme-google-places - google-places theme


   <div ng-init="data.rating=3" class="rating value- half " >
   <div class="label-value">,57</div>
    <div class="star-container">
      <div class="star custom-icon" ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4,5] track by $index"  ng-click="data.rating = $index">
        <i class="star-empty fa fa-star-o"></i>
        <i class="star-half fa fa-star-half-o"></i>
        <i class="star-filled fa fa-star"></i>
Source: src/kss-documentation/themes.kss.scss, line 1